Second Ireland Cycle

Why Peace?

Why peace?
they ask
before they throw
their bombs,
blowing away
the chances for future.

Why peace?
they ask
before they continue
their march,
orange thunder
the tiny flower
of trust.

Why peace?
they ask
before they pile
the next demand
on their wall
of mistrust.

Why peace?
they ask
before they kill
innocent people
to get
their blood money.

Why peace?
they ask.


Sitting on the hills
of Donegal.
Let your view go,
let your thoughts flow,
let your heart show
among the hills
of Donegal.

Not Yet

I'm not ready ---
to leave home
for going home.
I'm not ready ---
to give up
the place
where I belonged ---
and might again.
The return
will open
the next chapter.
But not yet.

News from Verbaros

Category: Verbaros
Posted by: admin

After only almost precisely nine years something new – Verbaros is four poems from the years 2016/2017 richer:

Category: Verbaros
Posted by: admin

At long last, I have added a few more poems to Verbaros:

All five of them were written between 2000 and 2012.

Category: Verbaros
Posted by: admin
After having presented the "Single Poems" in an "intuitive" order up until now, I decided that these days I'd rather see them in chronological order. While re-ordering, I also split the single, very long page into three: Single Poems 1986-1995Single Poems 1996-1999 and Single Poems 2000-today. The latter is kind of shortish, but I've rediscovered several poems from the 2000s, so there is more to come...