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Mutt RPM Team - mutt 1.4.x RPMs:
Red Hat Linux 7.x

Mutt is configured with ncurses 5.2 and is using mutt_dotlock (SGID mail), so it works with an out-of-the-box Red Hat system (Red Hat has rather strict permissions on /var/spool/mail).
They also contain an entry in the window manager menu (if your window manager uses Red Hat's desktop entries like e.g. KDE).

Red Hat Linux 7.x/i386

Two "flavours" of the RPMs are available (they were built from the SRPM by Dominik Mierzejewski <dmierzej(at)>).

* mutt- Description
* mutt-
* mutt- Description
* mutt-

Last Updated: 16/02/2004